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Giving Back

In Palo de Yucca, we are proud to state that most of our products are all artisanally handmade. We work with various different indigenous communities within Mexico to make our unique and one-of-a-kind handcrafted pieces. Part of the reason I started Palo de Yucca was to help give back to various communities in this incredibly vibrant country that I live in and love. We have worked with various non-profit institutions that have presented us and connected us with the artisans throughout the country to continuously create innovative products and projects which include each community's cultural identity.

Fundacion “Legoretta Hernandez” introduced us to the community of women in Téxan de Palomque, Yucatan, which hand embroider our Makech Collection.

Fundación “Dime y Juntos lo Hacemos” introduced us to a family of artisans in San Antonino Castillo Velasco Oaxaca which hand embroider our small floral hat bands.

In conjuction with “Fundacion Hilando Arte AC” we have carried out workshops for fashion tendencies, fabrics and colors in the community of Tenango de Doria Hidalgo. A group of artisans from this community hand embroider some of our pieces.

We personally visited Becal, Campeche to find and work with one particular family which hand weave our jipijapa straw hat designs within humid caves underground so that the straw is flexible to weave. They use organic dyes to paint the straw in various colors. They can weave 1 hat a day and the purchase of 1 hat feeds an entire weavers family for one day.

We also work with the community in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, where a group of artisan women from the mountain weave our cotton geometric bands/pompons and use the ‘telar’ to make the rebozos.

Our 100% wool hats are all made from famous wool producers in Leon, Mexico with the utmost care and quality with our crown and brim designs.

Our fine quality palm straw hats are from the state of Guerrero, Mexico.

Palo de Yuca

Becal, Campeche

  • 01 Becal Campeche
  • 03 Becal Campeche
  • 02 Becal Campeche
  • 05 Becal Campeche
  • 04 Becal Campeche

San Antonino Castillo Velasco, Oaxaca

  • 05 San Antonino Castillo Velasco Oaxaca
  • 06 San Antonino Castillo Velasco Oaxaca
  • 02 San Antonino Castillo Velasco Oaxaca
  • 01 San Antonino Castillo Velasco Oaxaca
  • 03 San Antonino Castillo Velasco Oaxaca
  • 04 San Antonino Castillo Velasco Oaxaca

Texán de Palomeque, Yucatán

  • 01 Texan de Palomque Yucatan
  • 02 Texan de Palomque Yucatan
  • 04 Texan de Palomque Yucatan
  • 08 Texan de Palomque Yucatan
  • 06 Texan de Palomque Yucatan
  • 03 Texan de Palomque Yucatan
  • 07 Texan de Palomque Yucatan
  • 09 Texan de Palomque Yucatan
  • 05 Texan de Palomque Yucatan

Tenango de Doria, Hidalgo

  • 04 Giving Back Tenango de Doria Hidalgo
  • 02 Giving Back Tenango de Doria Hidalgo
  • 07 Giving Back Tenango de Doria Hidalgo
  • 06 Giving Back Tenango de Doria Hidalgo
  • 05 Giving Back Tenango de Doria Hidalgo
  • 03 Giving Back Tenango de Doria Hidalgo
  • 01 Giving Back Tenango de Doria Hidalgo