Palo de Yucca’s Resort Collection uses inspiration from various cultures throughout Mexico. Our “Aves del Paraiso” Collection has been influenced by the magical embroidery of the Tenangos in Hidalgo, Mexico. Each bird was designed by our graphic designers after an extensive research of exotic birds living in Mexico with the help of the Tenango people. We chose to use all of the wings open for the birds and butterflies to be our main focus in our print as symbolism of the female expression of letting our wings open to be free individuals, with the butterfly representing hope and life and birds beauty and peace. Our fabrics have gone through a special form of heat stamping, with our complete design, textile, assembly and production process taken place in Mexico.
A percentage of all sales will be destined to the “Fundacion Hilando Arte AC” which specifically helps conserve Mexican textile and embroidery techniques elaborated by Mexican artisans, as well as to promote their cultural identity through fair trade. This charity facilitates workshops to different regions of artisans throughout Mexico to help improve their embroidery through color trends, help market their products, advise and give the necessary support to commercialize their textiles. Palo de Yucca through Hilandro Arte AC, have given workshops to the community of artisans in Tenango de Doria Hidalgo and supports the indigenous communities using the otomi textiles. Textiles in Mexico are the representation of the love, identity and history of an artisans life work for their own heritage.